Thomas Rogers Homestead

Thomas Rogers Homestead
Also Known As McGlone Homestead
Address 16 Town Farm Ln
Built 1674
Demolished 1835

The exact location of this house is unknown, but possibly appears in the 1831 Map by Hales. In 1818, Samuel Rogers' widow and heirs sold the Thomas Rogers Homestead to Nathan Mears, a prominent businessman in North Billerica. When Mears died, his minor children's guardians sold off most of the holdings. Michael McGlone purchased the "Thomas Rogers Place" in 1832, which included a large tract of land north of Town Farm Lane, and a smaller lot south of the lane that contained the house. On subsequent maps and deeds, it's called the McGlone Homestead and is north of the lane, suggesting this original house was destroyed. It's unknown whether it was intentional or not.